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Nancy Azara specialized in using guided meditations with art making and taught at institutions such as the Open Center, the Esalen Institute and various universities such as the Split Rock Arts Program at the University of Minnesota.  She offered group workshops that combine art-making with meditation and discussion, and also held private sessions on art and creativity. Nancy was a founder of the legendary Feminist Art Institute in New York City, who was a celebrated sculptor and author of Spirit Taking Form: Making a A Spiritual Practice of Making Art.  

RECENT workshops

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Making Personal Talismans for a Spirit Vision: Time of Healing 

Location TBD

Going back to Prehistory and old Folklore, we will look for a Spirit Vision; exploring within ourselves a period of evolution and deep experience. This workshop will focus on Art Making and Discussion Asking the Question: What is my Vision? – The Artist’s Voice and Vision, Out & About on Mastery. Participants will make collages and drawings using various materials such as watercolor, pencil, crayon, etc.   "I think all of us are like eagles who have forgotten that we know how to fly."  - Pema Chodron

To reserve a place, call or email Nancy at 917-572-7461,


Chakra Workshop

A master class with Nancy Azara at her NYC Tribeca Studio

We will continue to study the ancient Hindu system of the Chakras, these light and energy points on your aura using meditation and discussion.


select past workshops

Doors Opening   pdf

Workshop with Nancy Azara at her studio in Woodstock, NY

Many times in life, doors open for us and bring us to a new direction. In this workshop we will explore these doors through meditation and art making. Participants will make collages and drawings using various materials such watercolor, pencil, crayon, etc.  "A very little key will open a very heavy door."  - Charles Dickens


Reflections: We are the Mirror   pdf

Workshop with Nancy Azara at her studio in Woodstock, NY

This workshop metaphorically brings us to view a reflection of ourselves and examine the different aspects of that reflection through meditation and artmaking as we explore this concept. Participants will make collages and drawings using various materials such watercolor, pencil, crayon, etc.  "We are the mirror as well as the face in it." - Rumi, Sufi Poet, 13h century


Fragments / Working Toward the Whole  pdf

Workshop with Nancy Azara at her studio in Woodstock, NY

So much of our lives are lived fragments, parts, sections. This workshop, using meditation and art making, will identify and examine these aspects of our life, explore the connections, and make art from them. 


Second Act: Behind the Scenes Series   pdf

Workshop with Nancy Azara at her upstate NY studio in Woodstock, NY

Examining the different influences and thoughts of a second act as they open to new ideas and options in our art and our life . . . The second act is often our second chance. We come to it with a keener observation, easier understanding, and better perspective. In this workshop, using meditation and art making, participants will make collages and drawings using various materials such as watercolor, pencil, crayon, etc. 


Behind the Scenes Workshop   pdf

Workshop with Nancy Azara at her upstate NY studio in Woodstock, NY

Using discussion and meditation with art making, this workshop will go "Behind the Scenes," examining our ideas, thoughts and plans as they involve ourselves, our art and our life. Participants will make collages and drawings using various materials such as watercolor, pencil, crayon, etc. 


The Bird in Folklore as Metaphor / Storyteller and Messenger   pdf

With Nancy Azara at her upstate NY studio in Woodstock, NY

Exploring the Mythological Bird in Folklore as Storyteller and Messenger with guided meditation and art making. We will explore these issues as they are connected to our life.  Participants will make collages and drawings using various materials such as watercolor, pencil, crayon, etc.   " I think all of us are like eagles who have forgotten that we know how to fly." - Pema Chodron


Two Steps Forward   pdf

With Nancy Azara at her upstate NY studio in Woodstock, NY

As we go on in life, when we take two steps forward, we often have to contend with one step backward. This

workshop explores this experience, how it works for us, affects our creativity and how it is in our life, using guided meditation and art making.  Participants will make collages and drawings using various materials such as watercolor, pencil, crayon, etc.  "The horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change." - Maya Angelou


Mapping the Body, Reading Body Images

Using our intuition to translate the spiritual and psychic side of our bodies into understanding how it manifests into our physical being.


Visual Diaries: Consciousness Raising 

Workshop with Nancy Azara at her studio in Woodstock, NY

The visual expression of wordless feelings; personal hieroglyphics will be linked with content through consciousness-raising.  "To begin with, there was the image making aspect. We talked, listened and kept drawing no matter what, and over time, when we looked back, we were surprised to discover that we were each uncovering our own kind of personal – more or less consistent – visual vocabulary which was sort of summoned up from our pre-consciousness. This discovery gave me confidence to experiment and move forward in the studio."  - Nancy Azara


Visual Journaling

This workshop focuses on visual expression instead of a written language diary.  Using pigment sticks as the medium (with other material of your choice) and examining our day to day experience, you discuss and record a specific time in your lives, choosing an important moment as a metaphor for your life in general.

Nancy Azara's work is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without written authorization.

 © Nancy Azara 2024.   All rights reserved.  Design by perrigirlfriday.  

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